A video has surfaced that shows a 50-year-old man named Walter Scott being shot several times in the back from a number of yards away by Officer Michael Slager in North Charleston, S.C.Scott died as a result of his injuries. To be clear, what follows is not an attempt to inflame tensions between the public and law enforcement. Rather, it is an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the mentality of those charged with keeping the peace. Communities need effective law enforcement agencies. In order for law enforcement to be effective, police officers must be respected as authority figures. In order to be regarded as authority figures, law enforcement officers must wield their power in a manner that demonstrates legitimacy at all times.
Two distinct narratives will likely emerge from the legal counsels representing the individuals involved in this unfortunate incident. The family of Mr. Walter Scott will probably present a favorable portrayal of their deceased relative. Contrarily, the legal counsel of Officer Slager may give a narrative of Mr. Scott that contains past incidents of misconduct and other inappropriate behavior. While both of these narratives can offer insight into each parties’ character, neither should distract from the central question in this case. That is, at the moment Officer Slager discharged his weapon eight times hitting a fleeing Walter Scott in the back, was he justified?
If not, the public ought to be willing to ask a fundamental question: Why did Officer Michael Slager shoot and kill Walter Scott? It is not enough to simply dismiss this case as an isolated incident. Human beings are meaning-seeking creatures. After firefighters extinguish a fire, they often sift through the debris. Why is that? Causes matter. Only by discovering the reason(s) behind an undesirable act can the public understand how to ensure that it does not happen again. Penetrating, honest questions must be put forward, considered, and answered. Suppose Mr. Scott was a troubled or misguided man. If he were my father, brother, cousin, or friend, the least I would expect from a civilized society is an explanation.
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