On March 29, 2015, HBO aired a documentary called “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief.” Among other things, the film shares compelling testimonies from former members of the group. Also, the film makes three particular claims about the church’s practices and inner workings that are worth considering.
First, Scientologists do not respond kindly to critics. In many cases, they vilify dissenters. Scientologists commonly assign derogatory terms such as “suppressive person” to those that oppose their beliefs. It appears to be an effective strategy for discrediting critics and skeptics.
Second, Scientologists seem convinced that they are serving a higher purpose. Because of that, they consider themselves innocent victims when faced with resistance from other groups. Scientologists view outside criticism as an attack on their faith and an effort to disrupt their good works. Therefore, any actions that they take in retaliation are morally justifiable.
Third, Scientology adherents mainly associate with individuals that share their views. If the church finds that a person is distracting one of its members from Scientology, then they encourage their member to sever contact or “disconnect” from the individual.
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In short, the film portrays an organization that is resistant to scrutiny, sees themselves as victims under attack, and mostly socializes with like-minded individuals. How many religious, social, and political organizations see themselves as the victim during an encounter with a critic? How many encourage their members only to associate with people that reflect their beliefs? How many are unquestionably sure of their righteousness? How many invent derogatory terms to damage the reputation of those that challenge their views? Interestingly, an examination of a faith that many may consider a bizarre indirectly raises questions about practices throughout humankind.
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